on the menu: five meals we’re eating this week

1. Ramen broccoli chicken stir fry — a pantry staple:)

2. Philly cheese steak sandwiches — crispy, melted, and just the way I like it!

3. Hash brown breakfast casserole — ‘cause who doesn’t love breakfast for dinner? 😉

4. Creamy taco chicken — served with tortilla chip dippers

5. Slow-cooked marinated chicken, potatoes, and carrots — marinate chicken breast (I used Stubbs citrus and onion), chop carrots, and russet potatoes. throw it in the slow cooker and that’s it!

My seven quiet time + prayer rhythms as a mom and women of God

1. Fit it into pockets of your day as best you can. My favorite things to do are reading a simple chapter or passage from the Bible and/or a short devotional. My favorites here.

2. Post it in daily-use spots. The kitchen sink, coffee pot, bathroom mirror, laundry room are some ideas. It’s as easy as an index card and piece of scotch tape!

3. Listen to it throughout your day. You can even use the audio Bible that is built right into the Youversion Bible app.

4. Pray within and throughout your day.

5. Ask others to pray for you in this area. Especially if you’re struggling. It takes a village? It truly does! Get yourself in a good, uplifting, and prayerful community.

6. Make a plan and some goals for this season…and the next one. Then, refer to it with each season change.

7. Don’t convince yourself out of a quiet time rhythm with untruths. “I don’t have time.” “It doesn’t look like hers” (comparison is a thief, man). “I can’t sit down with my coffee and journal, so forget it.” (pro-tip: you don’t have to give these up. It might not happen every time, but it can happen sometimes. Journal when you can. Sip when you can. Savor it always.)

Don’t do it. Don’t even go there, sister. It’s just not worth it. But you know what is? Finding your time to encounter Jesus in your day-to-day. Press on, friend. He s o wants to meet with you, right where you’re at! *heart emoji*

I know there are so many other ways you can meet and grow with God while being busy or a mama of little (and big) ones. Feel free to drop any of your quiet time rhythms below :)👇

**I recorded a podcast dedicated to this exact topic and it’s where this blog post was inspired from. Listen here.

Lots of blessings + lots of coffee — Olivia

blog | insta | podcast

My 2022 stack

As I walk into 2022, these are the things I am using to remind, teach, and keep myself organized (well, kind of).

**And of course, my Bible. That didn’t make it into this post, but really it is nothing special added to this year, since I always have it by my side. 😉

Plannerundated Bloom daily planner

So far, I love this thing. It has so many blank areas and a simplistic feel. I can jot my to-do list, make my monthly calendar & goals, and I’m set!

Favorite pensPaper Mate flair (medium point)

I love these so much! It writes like a thin marker and doesn’t bleed through. Win-win in my book.

Prayer Calendar—daily grace co

This is the greatest thing. I’m so glad I snagged it before they were out of stock. It has space for monthly and yearly goals and prayers, updated answers to prayer, and a special prayer for each day of the month. I’m really enjoying this on days when I don’t know where to start.

Give me Jesus JournalWell Watered Women

This was probably my favorite Christmas gift! I don’t use it everyday, but when I want to journal or take notes this thing is the best. It has space for gratitude and prayer and connects the gospel into your everyday Bible study. The perfect add to anyone’s routine.

A fresh readA Life That Says Welcome

I started this book a few weeks ago, and it is such a practical read that adds God’s word into the “work” we do as Women of God. She has so many good ideas on how to keep our hearts and home in a perfect balance of hospitality. I’m glad I started the year with the one!

Lots of blessings & lots of coffee,
